
Teresa And Joe Giudices Daughters Looking Forward To Visiting Their Father In Italy Later This Su

According to new reports, the Giudice daughters are looking forward to seeing their dad, Joe, again in Italy this upcoming August. Apparently, they are really hopeful that they will be able to visit since ‘things are slowly starting to open up’ as the pandemic gets more under control.

As fans know, the Real Housewives of New Jersey stars, Teresa and Joe Giudice share four daughters together, ages 11 to 19 and they are super excited to travel to Italy alone this summer.

The last time they were able to spend time with him in person was months ago so, of course, they miss him a lot.

One source told HollywoodLife that ‘Teresa and Joe’s daughters had plans to visit Joe this August for about a week before school starts. The girls and Joe cannot wait and now that things are slowly starting to open up, they’re feeling excited and hopeful.’


Naturally, they are still going to take all the necessary precautions to protect themselves and others from the COVID-19 virus.

‘As long as they’re allowed to get on the plane safely, they’ll go,’ the insider added.

While there are still health concerns, the Giudices have good reason to think that the girls will be Okay to travel.

As far as Teresa is concerned, however, the source tells the news outlet that she ‘was never going to go because of work obligations’ and that she has no immediate plans to see her ex.


In the meantime, the man is excited to have his daughters over since he has ‘moved into a new apartment a week before Italy was put on lockdown. He really likes his new place. He has been busy lately re-doing Teresa’s father’s home in Italy and is going to be doing more construction in the near future while he preps for his fight.’


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-06-08